Our whaanau have worked together across generations to protect the wellbeing of our whenua, maunga, moana, awa, papakaainga and people.

Our Story.

Te Ahiwaru Kaiwaka, Te Ahiwaru Raupatu, Te Ahiwaru Mokemoke, Te Ahiwaru Ahi Kaa

Our trust deed.

Our Trust Deed “provides assistance, support, developmental coordination and general benefit for members of Te Ahiwaru in accordance with the First Schedule MMMT Membership Register and Third Schedule Members of MMMT”.

The Trust was established on 26 May 2004 (incorporated under the Charitable Trusts Act 1957) by the Makaurau Marae Executive koomiti of the time, and supporting kaumaatua. The founding trustees wished to establish a trust for the care, assistance to organise, administer and manage a marae and hapuu community development in keeping with cultural tenets.  

Click here to view the trust deed and associated documents

Our beneficiaries.

The hapuu of Te Ahiwaru is made up of whaanau of four key hapuu with a history of settlement in our rohe and in particular the takiwaa of the Ihumaatao peninsular, including Puketaapapa. These hapuu are: Ngaati Rori; Ngaati Peehi; Ngaati Tangiaro; and Ngaati Kaiaua.

In brief, as a result of the horrendous colonial war, which began with the proclamation of Governor Grey on 9 July 1863, we were driven out of our ancestral homelands, creating huge upheaval and disrupting our strong and flourishing communities developed over centuries in our rohe.

In 1915, Judge Holland held an enquiry under section 11 of the Native Land Amendment Act 1912. He reported that the land which was part of that confiscated by the Crown after the Waikato War had been promised to be returned to Te Ahiwaru. A Certificate of Title Vol 247 Folio 113 Parish of Manurewa Lots 196 and 197 was subsequently created in the names of the 37 tuupuna to the area known as Ihumaatao – Puketaapapa Lands.

It is the descendants of these 37 tuupuna who are the beneficiaries of Te Ahiwaru Trust.

Our tohu.

The tohu used in our logo is a Toki that represents the strength and determination of Te Ahiwaru. It is representative of a tool, rather than a taonga, carving new pathways for our people. As a hononga to our past, it speaks of our tuupuna who were gardeners and ahi kaa of one of Taamaki Makaurau's most fruitful areas.

At the top of the Toki, the woven threads represent the coming together of Ngaati Rori, Ngaati Taangiaro, Ngaati Peehi and Ngaati Kaiaua as Te Ahiwaru. As we come down to the koru it is a reflection of our commitment to supporting our people, our whaanau to thrive. The koru is symbolic of whaanau and the circular pattern in it is also representative of the lava that carves through the whenua in both Ihumaatao and across Taamaki, a hononga to our whenua and our whakapapa in this volcanic landscape. The grey colour of the Toki is representative of volcanic rock and the strength of this element in general. The indents on the Toki connect us to maunga and landscapes across our region, across our whakapapa.

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